influencer marketing

Influencer Marketing 101: What It Is & Why It Still Works

Loved by many, and criticized by others. Influencers have been around for quite some time. Still, with the rise of social media, they’ve become more prevalent than ever before. Whether you love them or hate them, there’s no denying that influencers have taken over the marketing world – and show no signs of slowing down.

So, what exactly is influencer marketing? And why does it still work in today’s digital age? Let’s take a deep dive into the world of influencer marketing and find out.

Let’s Go Back To Basics: What Is Influencer Marketing?

At its core, influencer marketing uses endorsements and product placements from influential people instead of traditional ads. These influential people can be anyone with a large social media following, including celebrities, bloggers, Instagrammers, YouTubers, etc.

Many people still discuss if this is an effective marketing strategy, so we’re here to tell you why it still works, and you should keep investing in it.

5 Reasons Why Brands Should Keep Investing In Influencer Marketing

  1. Influencers Are Extremely Responsive & Proactive

Influencers engage with their followers, and that’s a fact. But at the same time, their audience is responsive to them and what they have to offer —making it a huge advantage for brands to get new leads and even sales.

These influencers are also proactive, and when it comes to a deal with a company, they usually go above and beyond to deliver outstanding content and results.

  1. Influencer Marketing Can Become On-Demand Advertising

Influencers include their followers in everything they do online. So when an influencer promotes a product or service, their followers notice.

This type of on-demand advertising can be highly effective because it comes from a trusted source. When someone your target admires tells them to check something out, they have this feeling that THEY are the ones choosing to consume this ad.

It’s not a pop-up; it’s a pretty picture or an interesting video they decided to check. Since it had a good review from someone they respect, they decided to try it too. So influencer marketing can be seen as on-demand advertising.

  1. Influencers Create Unique & Outstanding Content

When you work with an influencer, their content becomes your content. And if they’re any good at what they do, that content will be unique. They know how to produce high-quality content that resonates with their audience because they understand them.

  1. Influencer Marketing Have A Human Touch

When you work with an influencer, you’re not just working with someone who can create great content. You’re working with a real person. And people connect with people, not brands.

An influencer’s personal brand is what their followers are attracted to. When they see that an influencer uses and loves a certain product, they’re more likely to try it too.

  1. You Don’t Need To Hire Big Names For Great Results

It’s a common misconception that you need to hire A-list celebrities to get results with influencer marketing. But the truth is, micro-influencers can be just as effective, if not more so.

Micro-influencers have smaller but highly engaged audiences. Because their audiences are so engaged, they’re much more likely to take action after seeing an influencer’s recommendation.

Stay Up-To-Date & Start Using Influencer Marketing ASAP

Now that you understand the importance of influencer marketing in 2022 and why it’s still an effective strategy, it’s time to start using it in your marketing campaigns. At ESLO NYC, we offer influencer marketing services.

We’re a professional digital marketing company based in New York City. We provide small businesses with an influencer database. We create strategies with efficient, creative, and reliable influencers to promote our clients.

ESLO NYC makes sure every piece of content represents your values and meets your needs, consistently exceeding your expectations. Don’t get left out; start using influencer marketing today and take advantage of it.